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Tyler's Tales - 5.17.21

posted on

May 17, 2021

Tales of happenings on the farm as written by our farm hand Tyler…

The zinnias and marigold seeds are in. Saturday evening Ralph hoed a line for them while Sheila planted and covered them in the freshly-tilled garden. Kyle was there, a farm hand stopped by, the weather was that brilliant warmth with cool of Spring and Autumn, the sun casting its light of shadows.

The zinnias and marigolds, the young apple and peach trees, the peas and onions and all the other been-planted, with more to come. Across the lawn the chicken coop is lively with the hens filled with their afternoon feed and whatever thoughts go on in their chicken heads that make them talk as much as squawk as sing. The calves low contentedly after their dinner of milk and the dairy cows are munching the green fields of clover.

What this all is is so much and very simple, complex and easy as breathing: dare to let it steal your breath and build the muscles of your spiritual diaphragm. Canal Junction Farm is rhythm of wind and music of sunshine. The animals are tended and happy here, as is the land, as are the people lucky enough to be parts of its God-given whole.

That's not to say there isn't hardship. Muscles don't build from uselessness, but from will, necessity, and The Same who gives as well as takes with grace. Engines and hammers sing as groan and cold is as much of the soul as heat. It could be said that the equilibrium, the balance is in the moment and that the moments strung together are the physics of love. Love is what you'll find at this farm and is as much of death as life, the fulcrum appreciation.

The animals are well in the fields that glow as the sun sets to rise again tomorrow, Lord willing. The necessary rains and sunshine come, the marigolds are planted, rest is rebirth we find amazed at on rising. And the zinnias and marigolds welcome as much as the song of the blue bird. Come visit and blessings!

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What's in a name?

If you’ve been following the farm for a while you may have noticed that we have changed our name from “C/J Natural Meats“ to “Canal Junction Farm“ on things like our logo and this new website.

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